Monday, April 6, 2009

the over rated kare-kare

i really dont get what the deal is with this very famous filipino dish "kare-kare"...i've mastered the art of cooking it ( it's my hubby's favorite) but i still think it's over rated...well in fairness the sauce is really good, maybe it's the ox tail that's a little bit too much to every bite is a potential clog in my i'm not trying to be pretentious here feeling like a healthy eater coz i am not, i like sisig, lechon etc, etc,...don't get me wrong, i still eat kare-kare coz i love it with bagoong.....i just don't get what the hype is all there's some special occassion when it's served at the table...i know i'm not making any sense....i am really sleepy...goodnight